FCM150 FOTA web access


I bought a FCM150 some weeks ago but I was not able con figure car model to make CAN module work. The seller said that I don’t need FOTA web to configure it and that they are not going to provide with a FOTA web user. ¿How can I load de car model to my device?


In the link below you will find instructions on how to do this
However, in both variants you need access to Fota Web

Best regards

Thanks for the info.

Any idea to get access to FOTA Web other than the seller?


Hello there.

Thank you for your question.

There are two ways to upload OEM file:

  • Via Fota Web, by creating a task for the device.
  • Via Configurator, but you first must acquire a token from a Fota Web account.

Your seller should provide access to Fota Web or a token for you to use. Please contact them.

If you are unable to cooperate with the seller for some reasons, we might be able to help you. Navigate to https://teltonika-gps.com/ and click on the “Contact Us” button.

Best regards,
Jonas K.

Hi Jonas,
I did it some days ago with no answer from you side.


Hello @csifalmeria

You need to contact your supplier to get the token, please ask them to create a FOTAWEB TCT Token for your configurator



Select Add token


Select TCT Token


Fill up all the forms and a token will be generated.

Note: Follow this link that was given to you by my colleague: FMM150 OEM file upload - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

Make sure that you are using the latest firmware : https://wiki.teltonika-gps.com/view/Special:Redirect/file/File:FMB.Ver.03.28.07.Rev.159_and_configurator.zip

Best Regards
Maynard C.

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