For the FMB122, FMC125, and other devices, code 3000 means “sensor not found.” Does this value depend on the multiplier set in the device’s configuration?
Thanks in advance
For the FMB122, FMC125, and other devices, code 3000 means “sensor not found.” Does this value depend on the multiplier set in the device’s configuration?
Thanks in advance
Hello @iton
Good day, yes, the error code changed based on the multiplier you added.
Best Regards
Maynard C
So with a multiplier of 0.01, I need to get a net value of 30,000 in order to end up with a value of 3,000, is that correct? Or am I misunderstanding? Please give me an example. Thanks in advance
For example, if the multiplier is 1 then you will get the exact value the sensor is giving to you if it is 0.1 then it will be multiplied by 0.1
for example
30000 x 1 = 30000
30000 x 0.1 = 3000
30000 x.01 =300
Best Regards
Maynard C
Thanks for your response. To avoid opening a new thread, let me ask something related.
Let’s take a look at BLE Sensors from this documentation: @TMT250 AVL ID List - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS, specifically Property ID 26.
Minimum and maximum values in raw form (as indicated in the documentation):
Actual temperature range:
If we multiply the raw values by 0.1, we get:
If we multiply the raw values by 0.01, we get:
Are different multipliers used for the lower and upper limits in order to obtain -40°C and +125°C as indicated in the documentation?
Or is the logic different?
Hi @iton
Good day, here is the multiplier that I discussed this is related for creating BLE preset:
For the IO, and ID26 from the wiki it doesn’t add any multiplier meaning once you received the data no need to add the multiplier
Multipier only applied on other parameters like the screenshot below:
Best Regards
Maynard C