Device position Accuracy Issue


Currently i am facing issue that the Vehicle is moving on one side of the road and the LAT, LONG which i receive from the device is for the opposite road… How can i resolve this issue ?

Move the road :grin: But seriously do you know if the mapping is correct?

Dear @usman.javed,

Good day! Device position accuracy depends on the number of Satellites seen by the device, the more satellites available corresponds to a better accurate position.

I recommend checking on the placement of the device on the vehicle. For more information about the mounting recommendations of the device, you may refer to this link: FMC130 First Start - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Patrick S.

This is the big Problem for Us. The device LAT LONG is not accurate. while the car driving in first road and it gives me the LAT LONG of another road. while i use this LAT LONG at placed at GOOGLE map so it shows me the that my vehicle is moving to another road. My LAT LONG mapping is correct. If the mapping is wrong so it gives the accurate coordinate in google map. what i found is that the LAT LONG i got from device is wrong.

Also I had installed the device as per the device instruction manual.

How can i resolve this issue ?

Ok so as you are using the Latitude/Longitude from a device and then transferring/inputting into another system, can you confirm the correct coordinate format and/or datum is used? Can you provide an example, coordinates overlaying the map etc

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