Battery upgrade fmb920

Hi. I’m looking to install a bigger battery to an fmb920. I will mount it externally but want to use the existing internal connector and replace the tiny included one. Would one like this do the job or should I look into more specs than just the voltage?ímero-Conector-Certificado/dp/B08215B4KK/ref=mp_s_a_1_9


Hi Kajuna,

Good day, here is the technical specification of the device battery: FMB920 General description - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS (

Note: changing the battery is at your own risk, so better to test it first with 1 device.

Maynard C.

Thank you. I don’t see details on the type of connector and what the third wire is.

Would an external battery be a safer option?


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Maynard C.

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