Arduino could be sent data to teltonika

Hello!! Good to see your comments. I want to explain you something.
1- for a bus company they are using:
a) Infrared sensor for counting passengers who get in and get out of the bus.

b) A device to capture the sensors signals.

so they are asking me to integrate with their solution a device to track via gps the bus and send to a cloud the counts of the passengers for making a web page., so my question is:
*1.- how they can send me the information through UART or how they can?
*2.- which device should we buy the most professional and reliable to track the bus via gps and for counting and send the information through cellular , but we need the more reliable I have seen that particle devices sometimes loss signal and stop sending information.
I would appreciate your valuable capacity to help us.


Good day, as per the sensor specification the output is an analog voltage that you can directly connect to the analog input of the teltonika device.
AIN connection from the device:

Analog Output from the sensor

The counting of passengers can be done on the server side

Please find the devices that you can use with AIN and DIN: World-leading GPS Trackers For Aftermarket And OEM Applications

Here are the devices with RS232/RS485 support: World-leading GPS Trackers For Aftermarket And OEM Applications

Please make a test/POC to check if it is compatible with your solution, if you need additional help please contact your sales manager or create an HD ticket.

Best Regards
Maynard C

if arduino or SMT dev board is sending the data of the three sensors through UART, is it possible to catch that information with Teltonika? I mean :slight_smile:
SMT board or arduino will send
String message = String(“{“Sensor1”:”) + sensor1Value +
“,“Sensor2”:” + sensor2Value +
“,“Sensor3”:” + sensor3Value +
“,“Sensor4”:” + sensor4Value +
“,“Sensor5”:” + sensor5Value + “}”;

// Send the message

delay(1000); // Send data every second
} “

a) is it possible? how to catch that information?
b) and can be send the tracking GPS to a map?

Hi @jonamleonel

Yes, this is possible but first make a POC, connect the serial cable of FMX125 or FMX650 to the sensor, and make sure that you have configured the correct baudrate , parity, mode etc.

For your testing test in the TCP/UDP Binary mode, the parsing should be done according to the protocol of your sensor.

Sometimes, the data that you receive is in HEX, and then you convert that to ASCII to check whether the data that you received is correct. To have additional support for your POC, kindly contact your sales manager or create an HD ticket.

Please check the wiki page link for more info.
FMB125 RS-232 and RS-485 - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

Best regards
Maynard C

Dear Maynard,

1.- If arduino UNO is sending me information through UART connected to a TTL to RS232 module , the arduino is sending “HELLO THE NUMBER OF PASSENGERS IS: 45” , and it is sending every second the update of the counting, so:

a) Is it possible from a FMC125 Teltonika admit the serial information of the ARDUINO in 5V?

b) If yes, is it possible to extract the information (only the number 45 etc) of the Teltonik Platform to send it to a WebPAGE (API or MQTT), for making my own webpage with dashboard?

c)Is it possible to send the serial data to my own webpage and the GPS data to show it in a map?

d) Is there a free license platform that you use?

I will appreciate your knowledge on this


I believe I already answered the questions on this topic: Arduino teltonika - TELEMATICS - Teltonika Community

Best Regards
Maynard C

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