VPN sugestion for multiple PC clients TRB500 R 00.07.09

could you advice me which VPN use I have multiple users (clients) ntb,pc in different locations some are in same remote network some not and still moving
l2tp/ipsec - TRB500 can open only 1 connection per client in same remote network (tplink ER605 can do this for mutliple clients at the same time) I did everything according manual L2TP over IPsec PC any suggestion_? I dont want to PPTP (security) and aso use TRB500 as bridge to tplink ER605
Thank you

Simplest would we usage of tailscale, which is based on wireguard. OR to set up your own wireguard-infrastructure, in case you do not want to use 3rd party.

thanks for answer , I dont want to use 3th party vpn now i use ER605 L2tp/Ipsec PSK it works with mutiple user correctly maybe it use IKEv2 some how , I try to settup L2tp/Ipsec PSK with multiple user in Teltonika TRB500 but unable to connect more then one cli from one remote place at same time try IKEv2 cant reach corret settings working frustraiting - I will try wireguard server / cli as you suggest , but alot of settings PS: say hello to hurvinek :slight_smile:


Have you tried using WireGuard? If so, how did it go?

Best regards,

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