Unable to get Services->MQTT->Publisher to send messages

I run RUTX_R_00.07.07.1 on a new rutxr1. I configured it basically the same (only different topics) as the Services->Data to server MQTT client.
The Data to Server config manages to send messages, but the publisher does not.

I tried to save the config without client ID and topics and with all the fields completed. Nothing works. I tried to enter a Broker IP using local lan address or a tailscale address. Neither works.

I use username/password auth only. Traffic encryption is meant to be handled by Tailscale. The Data-to-server-config uses a tailscale address and works just fine.


The Data to Server (MQTT) acts as a subscriber, which means it subscribes to specific topics and periodically sends data to your remote server. In a typical MQTT setup, the MQTT Broker functions as a “server” that distributes messages. Messages must be published by a Publisher and subscribed to by a Subscriber.

Can you please explain how your Subscriber is set up? Also, which topics have you subscribed to? Are these the same topics that are being published?

Kind regards,

I know how MQTT works. I’ve configured the MQTT Publisher like this:

Yes, the address is a static dhcp lease. Yes, the port i correct. Yes, I know it is unencrypted. Yes, I use a password manager so I am sure what was copied into the password field is the same as is configured in the MQTT Broker and on the data to server page.
In the Data to Server page i got this config:
This config works, as I get messsages to the routerds topic. The first config does not work as no messages are ever sent.

Is there noone that has any ideas?

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