TST100 not working, is eternal reboot loop

I have a problem with a Teltonika TST100 device that recently stopped responding.
The “Status” LED flashes every 3-4 seconds. When the device is connected to the computer via a USB cable, a connecting sound is heard followed by a disconnection sound and this happens continuously. The virtual device ports appear and disappear accordingly in Device Manager.

PCB looks fine, as a brand new.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to test Bluetooth connection: tracker has this function turned off.

I suspect that “Status” LED blinking every 3-4 seconds indicates device’s booting attempts but with no success. The observed sequence is following:

  1. LED blinks;
  2. I hear system “connect” sound, virtual ports appear in PC’s Device Manager;
  3. after 1-2 seconds I hear system “disconnect” sound, virtual ports disappear;
  4. go to (1)

What could be the reason for this?
Best Regards, Jakub.

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I also have a similar problem with my device. Only one diode flashes, no other reaction. The same symptoms as above. I checked the battery voltage and it’s about 4V.
The device worked after purchase for about 30 minutes, the route correct, after which it stopped responding.
Can someone tell you what could have been the reason?

Hello Kuba
Good day!

Find the LED behaviour for the TST100 in this link; TST100 LED behavior description - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

The device operate in range of {+8… +50} V; Therefore, try to connect the power to correct source with the range and try again


I know the site with LED behavior and it does not correspond at all to the behavior of the device. LED “Status” flashes every 3-4 seconds.
As if it tried to turn on and after 4 seconds there was a reset. The device was connected to 12V, unfortunately nothing has changed.
Greetings Jakub

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