TRB500 no internet after upgrade to 08.02


When I flash firmware everything looks fine but first band shows good connection but bands 2 to 4 show SNR as ZERO and no internet connection.

All IP’s seem to be fine at the client side and on the gateway, and router.

I use in Bridge to TPlink wifi router.

I can still access the router and change settings.
Everything set to Auto… AutoAPN etc.

I rolled back and everything works as before once I change back from NAT to Bridge.

Hi geekay2024,

Welcome to Teltonika Networks Community!

Can you try to isolate TRB500 in this case? Is it running on the latest FW (7.08.2)? Go to Network → WAN → mob1s1a1 → Click the pencil icon → Select PDP type: IPv4.

Also attach the screenshot of Status → Network → mobile. Thank you.


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