TRB145 Rs485 over IP batch 052

Hi all,

we have been using Teltonika TRB145s since 2020 for reading energy meters using rs485 interface and serial over ip (server). I have been downgrading all our TRBs to firmware 07.02.07 as I have never managed to connect after firmware 07.04.5. This was not a problem until I got a TRB145 batch 052 which cannot be downgraded. Please let me know what information you need regarding our setup, so that we can start upgrading instead of downgrading…

Best regards,


Hi ekokkino,

Can you share your configuration for Serial Over IP? Kindly check if you have configured IP filter. Please refer to this link as a guide.

This crowd query might be similar to your case: Serial Over IP on RUT956 - Data are not coming back to the TCP client

Let me know if this helps.


Hi Janmiguel,

I added a wan filter and it worked.
Thank you so much for your help, very appreciated!!

Best regards


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