TRB145 HTTPS Post with Basic Authentication


We have a energy data management platform with support for heterogeneous devices. while we usually use MQTT we also support HTTPS Post with Basic Authentication:

Question: can the TRB145 unit POST over HTTPS to a user defined URL with parameters, but also send the right Basic Authentication header which we would set on the device one time?

We would ideally like to use the TRB145 to post values collected from the RS485 port connected to Modbus RTU follower devices such as solar inverters and kWh meters and pyranometers.

Thanks, John


We have implemented a service called “Data to Server” for use cases like yours. This service allows you to collect various data, including MQTT, Modbus, Bluetooth, and other device parameters, and send them periodically to your desired endpoint server. This server can be hosted on your own infrastructure, in the cloud, or any other implementation you prefer.

You can find more information about “Data to Server” here: TRB145 Data to Server.

Best regards,

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