I am using the Data to server service on the TRB145 to send data from the connected Modbus devices to a MQTT service. But it is using immense data traffic (> 600Mb/day) on handshaking and exchanging certificate keys with the server every 5-10 seconds.
I have set the Modbus interval to 900 seconds and the Data to server collection period to 450 seconds, and it does change the traffic load. The modbus data is received at the specificed intevals, but it seems as the Data to server is in a infinite loop.
This problem is on firmware version TRB1_R_00.07.07.1, it was not an issue with the previous version on the device (TRB1_R_00.07.04.5).
config settings 'settings'
option loglevel '1'
config collection '1'
option sender_id '1'
option period '450'
option name 'datacollection'
option output '2'
option retry '0'
option enabled '1'
list input '3'
option format 'custom'
option na_str 'N/A'
option format_str '[%modbus%]'
config input '3'
option name 'modbus'
option modbus_filter 'all'
option plugin 'modbus'
option modbus_segments '1'
option modbus_object '0'
option delimiter ','
option format 'custom'
option na_str 'N/A'
option format_str '{"datetime":"%date%","%name%":%data%}'
config output '2'
option name 'datacollection_output'
option mqtt_port '8883'
option plugin 'mqtt'
option mqtt_topic 'devices/DDDDDDD/messages/events/$.ct=application%2Fjson%3Bcharset%3Dutf-8'
option mqtt_client_id 'DDDDDDD'
option mqtt_use_credentials '1'
option mqtt_qos '0'
option mqtt_device_files '0'
option mqtt_tls '1'
option mqtt_insecure '0'
option mqtt_tls_type 'cert'
option mqtt_cafile '/etc/vuci-uploads/cbid.data_sender.2.mqtt_cafileBridgeCA.crt.pem'
option mqtt_username 'HHHHHHH.azure-devices.net/DDDDDDD/?api-version=2021-04-12'
option mqtt_host 'HHHHHHH.azure-devices.net'
option mqtt_password 'SharedAccessSignature sr=HHHHHHH.azure-devices.net%2Fdevices%2DDDDDDD&sig=Abcdefghabcdefghabcdefghabcdefgh'```