SMS functionality Not working


I am working on FMC920. i had connect 6 devices. Everything is working fine.

But the issue is that when i sent SMS command to the device, the command functionality is not working. Although the Device received the SMS, SMS count increases for every SMS that i sent. But the SMS command Functionality is not Working.

Like I sent SMS
setparam 107:16 so the device wont able to switch the ignition source to accelerometer. Although the device Received the SMS.

How can i resolve this issue ?

Also when i sent the same GPRS command. The command functionality will work.

Hi @usman.javed

107 is for the record saving/sending without TS,

The 107 has 3 options to select.

Please check the correct parameter list on this wiki page and send again the command: FMC920 Parameter list - Wiki Knowledge Base | Teltonika GPS

Best Regards
Maynard C

Yes you are right.

Mistakenly i wrote the wrong parameter number here. But i had checked once again. The issue still not resolved.

this time i sent sms command . setparam 138:1 (apply two spaces) but it is not switch the iginiton parameter to ignition, previously it is using accelerometer as the ignition source.

Usman Javed

Hi @usman.javed

Good day, 138 is for movement source.

Value 1 is for ignition as a movement source.

After you send the commands, did you receive a response from the device?
after you receive the response please send cpureset to reboot the device.

two spaces before the commands is only when the device does not have login and password from the SMS command option

Best Regards
Maynard C

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