SMS Custom Rule with spaces

I am wanting to trigger an SMS Command with a message from a third party which is not customisable. The problem is that the word I want to trigger on is not the first word in the SMS message but rather is always “AAA: *TRIGGER” . Is it possible to include a space in the trigger word/phrase or perhaps look for the trigger word in the body of the message?

Hi davidph,

Thank you for your query, and welcome to the Teltonika Community.

1.) Please could you provide some details on how the actual SMS would look like from your third party system.
2.) Please may you also confirm what rules you want to trigger.

Thank you.

Hi Keith,
The messages always start with MFS: *CFSRES before variable text. I want to change the state of an output enabling external relays to turn on building lighting and opening fire station doors. Thanks for your interest.

Hi davidph,

To answer your question, the string from your third-party SMS, such as "AAA: TRIGGER" or “MFS: CFSRES,” contains forbidden characters. The colon (“:”) and space are not allowed in the SMS text. Only the following characters are accepted: a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%&±/=?^_`{|}~.[].

I recommend using either a standard SMS or a third-party SMS service that supports customization with the accepted characters.

As a workaround, if your system supports calls, you could use call utilities instead of SMS to trigger the rule. However, be aware that any incoming calls, including spam, will activate the rule. To mitigate this, you can specify the phone number in the rule.


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