Sim Switch Scheduler

Hello everyone

I was wondering if it was possible to use the scheduling function in the sim switch on the RTUX12, RTUX14 and RTUX50 routers
for example:
switch from sim1 to sim2 (and vice versa) when xxx MB are reached
Monday, xx:xx hours to switch from sim1 to sim2
Thursday, yy:yy hours to switch from sim2 to sim1

best regards


Yes, both the RUTX14 and RUTX50 routers support the SIM switch function when a data limit on one SIM card is reached. You can configure this under Network → Mobile → SIM Switch by selecting the On data limit option. Then click on the Configure Data limit here link to set up the data limit for the SIM cards.

Additionally, more useful information regarding the SIM switch on RUTX50 can be found here.

However, please note that the RUTX12 does not support the SIM switch feature because it has two separate modems for each SIM card. Furthermore, there is no option to schedule a SIM switch on specific days or times.

Best regards,

Is it possible to do a time based scheduler as per OP post?
ie at 00:00 switch to sim 1, at 08:00 switch to sim 2?
Using RUTX11


Unfortunately, there is no function available to schedule SIM switching based on specific time periods.

If you have additional questions feel free to reach out.

Best Regards,

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