SIM Switch Issue RUTX50 Mobile Data Limits Max Out Power Cycle

Dear Teltonika Support,
I’ve got a daily limit on a SIM card of 1000 MB. I had a short power cut for a few mins, and noticed that mobile limits had been reached when the router booted back up again.

Prior to the power cut my Data used / limit: 300/1000 MB. When the power returned it was 1000 MB / 1000 MB. Shouldn’t it have remembered the last data usage?

Kind regards.

Is there anyone that can help me with this please or verify if this is the case on their router. Thank you.


Our R&D department is aware of this issue and is already working on it. Thank you for noticing and reporting it to us. We’ll try to fix it as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Thank you.

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