Sailboat setup suggestion


I have a need which is already half answered by Teltonika but with a small modification would be a real killer for all sailboats out there.

I’d like to put 4G antenna and modem to top of the mast, power that with PoE and use the same cable to transfer data back to a wlan switch below deck.

A RUTX11 or the like with QuSpot is the halfway solution. But why not full?

First is that you have the WLAN on top of the mast with antenna configuration that transmits minimal WLAN signal down towards the deck (and all horizontally on the top of the mast level).
Secondly, you have the expensive switch on top of the mast without possibility to use it for other smart boat needs, like connecting other devices to it with ethernet.
Thirdly, it would make things more simple, smaller and lighter at the top of the mast.

Currently I’d need to have two RUTX11, one in both ends, to get it working properly, both also needing separate passive PoE injector. All that becomes expensive.

So could Teltonika make a model where the RUTX is “split” to half where the bottom part has all the intelligence and also powers the top half which is minimized to simple 4g modem?

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