RUTX50 - works in Germany, but not in France?

I have setup the RUTX50 yesterday the first time in Germany, all worked just fine - now in France, no connection possible.

Roaming is allowed in the settings, everything is still set to automatic (provider) - I have no clue why it´s not connecting - any idea?

Thank you in advance!

First thing to try is to configure your APN manually (i.e. turn Auto APN off). Your mobile provider will be able to tell you the APN information to enter.

For SIM slot 1, you change this by going to NETWORK > WAN > mob1s1a1 > GENERAL SETTINGS > APN

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Thank you for your advice - I have tried, but still not working.
I mean - I have a German provided SIM card, putting it in my phone - it works - all automatically.

SInce I am in France now - I have the choice of 4-5 providers. Why is the RUTX50 not able to connect to one of these automatically - like my phone does?

Normal behavour is to connect using Auto APN. If all the interfaces are enabled then my last offering, other than doing a factory reset, is for mob1s1a1 …

PDP type = IPv4
Auto APN = on

If that doesn’t work, keep PDP type = IPv4 and try the manual APN again.

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Thanks so much! I’ll try that later.


Could you please share a screenshot from Status → Network → Mobile?

Additionally, please ensure that your RUTX50 is operating on the latest firmware, version 7.10. It can be downloaded here: RUTX50 Firmware Downloads.

Best regards,

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