RUTX50 perform Speedtest periodically?


I need to assess the QoS of my teleoperator.

Therefore I would need RUTX50 to automatically

  1. to perform speedtest
  2. every hour (ideally adjustable interval)
  3. store the DL UL results with date/timestamp “somewhere” on RUTX50
  4. ideally email / SMS these results every day to a given email

I’m not a programmer, so asking for help / guidance to resolve.

Hi msa338,

Welcome to Teltonika Networks Community!

It should be possible through custom scripting and crontabs. Your custom script should run the speedtest package and the current timestamp of the device. Then you will create another script to send the results with a given schedule.

Helpful commands:
echo “y” | speedtest > test.txt - This command will run the speedtest package and save it in a file (test.txt).
date - Shows current timestamp of device.
crontab -e - This is where you will schedule when the custom script will run.

opkg -e /etc/opkg/openwrt/distfeeds.conf update
opkg -e /etc/opkg/openwrt/distfeeds.conf install msmtp

Edit the msmtprc file in /etc directory.

account default
host [smtp server]
port 587
auth on
tls on
from [email]
user [email
password your-app-password

chmod +x msmtprc - To make the script executable

echo “$(cat trial.txt)” | msmtp - This command send the content of trial.txt file.

Supporting Link
Scripting Guide: User Scripts examples - Teltonika Networks Wiki
Crontab -

Hope this helps.


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