RUTX50: Gmail Account with App Password fails due to password policy restricting blanks


I am using a RUTX50 and I’d like to configure an Email Account to use extended features, such as event triggered messaging (e.g. geofencing).

I am struggeling to configure an gmail account (System>Administration>Recipients) in the RUTX50. I am using the lastest firmware (as of today) RUTX_R_00.07.11.3.

As you have mentioned correctly in many different threads here in this community, since the last 1-2 years, google is forcing you to use App Passwords. These generated (and not to be modified!) App Passwords are consisting of four four-letter alphabetic blocks, separated by blanks. I attached an example, which is not in use.

When trying to configure the email account I am not able to set the password, as I receive the following error message:

The router is not accepting any passwords with blanks, which is a “pity” because the given password contains blanks and there is no way to change the given password in any way.

I consider this a bug. I seems not reasonable to me that the router is having its own password policy for foreign passwords.

Can you confirm this beeing a bug or can you give any assistance on how to solve this issue?

Thanks a lot,

I’m not sure if the problem here is Google’s unfortunate presentation. Google writes 16 characters, which in this case would be the password without spaces.

Can you try that?

Good point. But still no success…

I already use Google password for gMail… just don’t use space between letters.

I followed this…

Hey Marcelo,

that’s exactly what I did. Thats how I generate the password - see screenshot above.
Using the password without blanks seems to be what it is meant to be. Even though I cannot believe how dumb this process is, to offer a copyable passsword that includes blanks. But thats on google…

Anyways: Of course the password is accepted without the blanks. But neither succeed the testing feature nor saving the config and using it productive.

Which other parameters did you use in your configuration?

Let me check/remember…

Sorry… “Houston, we’ve had a problem”

again… Sorry… I did… but at RUT950 with OPENWRT running on it… and install ssmtp to do that.

Can you try this?

Thanks Marcelo! That helped! I had to turn on the IMAP Feature in gmail itself, as I created a fresh account for that purpose and the default is turned off here.

So to sum up:

  • Make sure IMAP is turned on in your gmail account
  • Use the App Password without blanks
  • Use the following parameters for connection:

Thanks a lot. Hope this could help other, too.

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