RUTX50 FW Useless

This device is less than two weeks old and is fast approaching landfill.

4G / 3G does not switch, 4G is basically useless, 3G is bearable but this means I need to constantly log in to switch between them.

Wifi hotspots on Multi AP never connects always ‘starting’ nothing in system log related to wireless.

Why do I need to delete the last hotspot to add another - it’s rubbish and very frustrating.

Why does it not list hidden networks in the normal manner?

Why can I not enter the credentials of hidden networks and successfully connect

Since updating the FW to RUTX_R_00.07.08 this device is basically a brick.

Hi Marty92,
first thing that comes to my mind:
Did you try to reset it to factory defaults?
Timelapse Admin

Have you also updated the modems’ firmware, two different updates, device and modem?

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