RUTX50 5G speed


we wanted to report highly increased 5G speed with newer firmware.
Firmware: RUTX_R_00.07.08.1
Modem: RG501QEUAAR12A11M4G_04.200.04.200

We were seeing quite slow 5G speeds of X50 in the past - compared to an iPhone.

With the new firmware this issue seems to be solved and we are seeing a bit higher speeds than an iPhone.



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I can report having updated more than 30 RUTX50’s with newest modem firmware (11) without any glitch.
Super smooth everything.

It‘s different in my case.
I updated the firmware of the x50 and the modem. Now we have no connection to the internet via mobile. Everything looks good in the webUI with excellent connection, but no internet.
We are in Spain at the moment and via roaming. I tried different providers, no difference.

Do you have any ideas?
I resettled to the rutx50 to delivery state, no difference.
Downgrade the firmware on the rutx50 made no difference, I can‘t downgrade the modem.

Set mobile connection to IPv4 and 4G only and try again.
(Default is IPv4/v6 and 5G/4G/3G auto)

I tried v4 and 4G only with and without VOLTE. No difference
I now perform another factory reset.
Might there be a problem with the firewall?

No it shouldn’t.
And even if it was - after factory reset no more.
Upgrade firmware to 07.08.1 and don’t tick “Keep settings”.
Then you’re on the latest version and in default settings.

I tried, no difference.
Is there a possibility to get the file fĂźr the latest modem firmware. I think that there might be a problem while updating 2 days ago.

@Marijus needs to answer that.

Thanks for your help. I solved the problem. The SIM was broken. I tried another one and everything is fine now.

Good to hear mate - thanks for the update.

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