RUTX12 unstable

I got a RUTX12 that has gone from stabile to unstable.
I have tried to get a log out, to see the problem/issue, but with no success.

I have tried to update it to latest firmware version incluing the modems, with not change.

If I power it from the power brink it is a bit stable.
But my setup / usercase is that it’s hooked up to my car battery (activated/powered on when engine is running).
That means a lot of reboots, but since there are no moving parts and nothing in the log indicating disc frag issues I am lost on that route.

The main board is firmware version 3
I tried to messure to see if I could finde any short , and I did on LAN1, but since I dont’ have the schematics I am unable to know it’s it’s related to the POE on LAN1.
Pin 1+2 are shorted the “earth”.
See picture (with indicated shorts)

I have a picture of the places I have found a short the a pin to “ground”, but again, since I don’t have the schematics, it might be due to the POE option on LAN1.

any suggestions? any options if main board is defective to get a replacement? - cheeper then a complately new RUTX ?


Hi gundestrup,

Welcome to Teltonika Networks Community!

For warranty repairs, I would advise you contacting us via HelpDesk. If you do not have access to it, then contact your Sales Manager via which you have bought the device or if you have bought through a vendor - Contact your vendor for further assistance with the RMA procedure. Here you can find more information about RMA procedure.


Dear Janmiguel

The board is > 24 month old, so I don’t think there is any warranty left.


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