I got a RUTX12 that has gone from stabile to unstable.
I have tried to get a log out, to see the problem/issue, but with no success.
I have tried to update it to latest firmware version incluing the modems, with not change.
If I power it from the power brink it is a bit stable.
But my setup / usercase is that it’s hooked up to my car battery (activated/powered on when engine is running).
That means a lot of reboots, but since there are no moving parts and nothing in the log indicating disc frag issues I am lost on that route.
The main board is firmware version 3
I tried to messure to see if I could finde any short , and I did on LAN1, but since I dont’ have the schematics I am unable to know it’s it’s related to the POE on LAN1.
Pin 1+2 are shorted the “earth”.
See picture (with indicated shorts)
I have a picture of the places I have found a short the a pin to “ground”, but again, since I don’t have the schematics, it might be due to the POE option on LAN1.
any suggestions? any options if main board is defective to get a replacement? - cheeper then a complately new RUTX ?