Rutx11 WIFI Camping

wifi campsite cannot find page: My steps, wifi scan, finds network camping, join network, activate captive portal, save, connected. wifi 1 in wan set to the top, Mobs1s1a1 deactivated, then the website for the campsite does not appear, but the Teltonika login page. what am I doing wrong?

Hello, I followed your instructions, it didn’t work, I’m attaching a screenshot from the phone.

This is unexpected behaviour … I’d tell my phone to forget any relevent WiFi SSIDs, factory reset your router and reconfigure.

If the RUTX connects to the campsite AP on a cetain frequency e.g. 2.4Ghz, then disable any other RUTX SSIDs listening on that frequency, before going through the instructions for setup.

I have just tested the instructions above, against a captive portal and confirm that they work. After you have setup and enabled everything, the router may need a reboot for settings to establish.

Are you on the latest firmware? If not, update it.

If you are struggling using Client Mode, then below are instructions for Multi AP mode.

I managed to get it working, the router finds the campsite page but cannot open it. See screenshot.