Rutx10 failure after power lost

After power grid failure Rutx10 router (serial nr:110363**** batch no:002) did not boot up (all other devices connected to power grid are fine).
Router ethernet frontend seems working, it react to wire connection and blinks green leds, windows says it connected to undefined network, but router processor looks dead, no answer to ping, no web UI, no WiFi, no reaction to reset or hard reset.
Are where same other things to test or do something to bring router to life?


In your case, it seems that your device needs to be sent for RMA. Please fill out the Contact Us form on our official website here if you purchased the device directly from us, or contact your reseller.

Please remember not to share sensitive information, such as device serial numbers, on public forums.

Best Regards,

Sadly bought as second hand, no purchased document left.

Did you try to flash firmware via bootloader menu? Check wiki if you do not know how to do it.

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Reflasing firmware brought router back from e-waste, looks fine for now


I’m glad to hear that your problem is now resolved!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need assistance.

Best Regards,

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