Hello dear support team,
I have a question about the RUT955 router and its failover behavior.
The WAN interfaces are connected as follows:
WAN (wired) = home network (online)
Wifi0 (wireless) = home network (standby)
Mob1s1a1 = SIM1 (standby)
If I interrupt the WAN interface (offline), the router switches to the Mob1s1a1 interface (online), while Wifi0 is still in standby status. However, I would like the router to first connect to WiFi0 and only to Mob1s1a1 once this is also interrupted.
How can I achieve this failover order? What is to configure where?
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards
P.S.: More details
I have found out a dependency to the parameter “Flush Connections on” (“Connected”, “Disconnected”, “Interface Up”, “Interface down”) in Menu “Network>Failover” in the dialog behind “Edit” of each interface.
By the way, “Interface Up” and “Interface down” are not described in Wiki “RUT955 Failover - Teltonika Networks Wiki”.
Can you please provide some more explanations for the sentence “Flushes established connections after the selected scenario occurs to renew the priorities of configured interfaces.” with respect to the list of selectable parameters above This would help to understand what to configure for the expected result. Thanks.