RUT241 - Connection Type via Modbus TCP/IP


Is there a way to read out via Modbus TCP/IP from an RUT241 if the current data connection is via WAN or MOBILE. I found register 87 which shows if Sim1 of Sim2 gets currently used, buy nothing related WAN/SIM1.




And I saw a screenshot, where the FW version got displayed via Modbus TCP/IP, that data is not in the official Modbus list. Is there an extended list available?

Hi Asterx12,

Welcome to Teltonika Networks Community!

Network Type is available in modbus list however, it displays if mobile is in 4G or 3G. If you have a copy of the IP address of your SIM and WAN port, then you can pull out the current WAN IP address. Data Type: 8bit unsigned integer, Register number: 140, Number of Registers: 2.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Hi Janmiguel,

at which register can I read out the Software Version of the router?



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