Rut241 backup profile

We maintain a standard default profile that we deploy across a large fleet 600+ so the fewer configration steps for a new device the better, the following steps are what we seem to need to follow for the RUT241 (configuring offline)

1- Load Firmware
2- Load Packages
3 Restore Profile (settings)
4. Upload custom shell scripts make executable
Its seems with RUT241 packages must be loaded separately.

QUESTION: Is there any way to combine some or all of these steps. It would be ideal to load 1,2,3,4 in one step as an image of some type. Advice appreciated.



Thanks for reaching out!

You can use RMS to achieve all those!

You can upload the backup file to all the devices at the same time!


You can also upgrade the Firmware for all the devices at the same time!


And furthermore, you can register dozens of devices at the same to the RMS with simple clicks!
You can check this link for detailed information.

Please take all those as a small advise, you may create your own way. Choose which one suits you more!

Kind Regards,

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