Rut240 temporarily blocked in rms


Others have had a similar problem:

One of our rut240s has issues with the power supply
(photovoltaic) and has rebooted multiple times (ten
to 20 times per day) and has finally managed to get
As the device is “on location” about 30 meters high and
therefore not easily reachable I do not dare to try to un-
and re-register.

Enough credits of course are there…
For now I have disabled RMS in the router via SMS command.

Can the Teltonika team help me here?

Timelapse Admin


Thank you for reaching out.

You don’t need physical access to the device for un- and re-registering it to RMS. It’s hard to determine how the device got blocked on RMS, as frequent rebooting shouldn’t typically cause this issue. For now, I recommend turning the RMS service back on (either via SMS command or by connecting to the device remotely if it has a public IP and remote HTTP access enabled) and then re-registering the device to RMS.

If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please feel free to ask.

Best regards,

Dear @Martynas,

thanks for the quick reply, I’ll try in an hour or so.

Timelapse Admin

Dear @Martynas,

As I wrote in my first post I had already disabled the RMS by sending the SMS
command “rms_off”.

Then, according to your suggestion I copied the MAC address and the device
serial number from the old RMS entry (and of course I knew the password) and
then deleted the device.

After re-adding the device and sending the SMS command “rms_on” I just had
to wait one or two minutes for the RUT240 to be green in RMS again.

AND I didn’t need a new credit because the old one was still active on the RUT!

Thanks again,
Timelapse Admin

Thank you for the update!

I’m glad to hear everything worked smoothly.

If you have any further questions or need assistance in the future, feel free to reach out.

Best regards,

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