RUT240 - Stuck in Update?

Hello together

I have tried to update a remote RUT240 by pulling the update via the server option. Since then the RUT240 is not reachable through its previously set up wireguard interface nor via the sms utilities. How long can this update take? Does the router roll back if the update fails? If I disconnect the RUT from its power source and reboot it that way, would it try to load the previous firmeware? I had the auto reboot option enabled, will this be executed even the Rut is apparently stuck in the update routine?

Thanks for your help.



Could you please specify which firmware version you had prior to the update and the version you updated to?

Additionally, do you remember if you left the “Keep settings” option enabled when updating to the newest firmware?

Best regards,


Thanks for the response. Keep settings option was enabled. The router has not restart over the course of one day, which hints, that the auto reboot function is not executable by the RUT240 anymore. I assume it is trapped in the updating process, due to not beeing able to allocate enough RAM or similar. I have to manually restart the router most probably.

Is there an option, which is deep down in the stack and enforces a rollback after 24h if the update process got stuck?



You can try using SMS utilities for tasks such as:

  • Getting the status of the router: send an SMS to your router’s mobile number with <router admin password> status
  • Rebooting the router: send an SMS with <router admin password> reboot
  • Reconnecting to the RMS service: send an SMS with <router admin password> rms_connect

Please let me know how it goes and if you need any further assistance.

Best regrads,

Thanks, i already tried the sms utilities. However, no response. Therefore, I assume the Rut240 is stuck in a loop. The mobile connection before the update process was fast and reliable for months. Therefore, i strongly assume the problem is rooted within the update routine.

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards

Thank you for confirming that you’ve tried the SMS utilities. If the router is not responding, it could be experiencing an issue with the mobile connection or it might not have fully booted up.

Please let me know if you need further assistance!

Best regards,

If other people read this: None of the connections via wireguard vpn nor sms utilities could reach the Rut240. I waited more than 24h to let the RUT240 “sort it self out”. Regular restart routine was enabled at midnight, however did not restart the RUT240. The problem could only be solved through a hard reset, by disconnecting the RUT240 from the power source.

Afterwards, the RUT booted up with the old firmware and the vpn connections came up as well automatically.

Hope it helps.

Thank you for sharing the solution.

If you are on-site now, could you please try upgrading the device firmware once more and let me know how it goes?

Additionally, could you let me know what firmware version you currently have on the device?

Best regards,

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