RMS VPN Hub - Similar routes

Hi everyone,

I am trying to create a VPN hub to connect to multiple sites at once.
All sites have the same LAN IP range.

When I try to add the second site in routes menu, I have this error message:
“A route with same IP address and netmask already exists.”

Is it possible to do NAT translation to avoid this error?
I can’t manage to find the option.

And if you have any ideas how to create a Teltonika HelpDesk account, it will be very helpful.
Thank you for your time!

Routing will never work correctly if multiple sites are using same IP’s/subnets.
Every site needs to have its own subnet and then routing will work.
You can then add these routes in RMS VPN Hub.

Hi TeWe,

Thank you for tour answer.

I understand your point, but I can’t change the local subnet.

With other router, we can use NAT inside the VPN to virtually change the local subnet.
Is it possible to do this with RMS?

Thank you for your help.

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