After updating to latest version RUTX_R_00.07.11, the OpenVPN is not working stable anymore in RUTX14:
I have got the RUTX14 sucessfully working as a OpenVPN server, which I am able to connect to. BUT, when I try to setup a OpenVPN Client as well, the device is telling me that the „Maximum number of OpenVPN server instances has been reached.“
OpenVPN Server AND OpenVPN Client has been working before the latest update perfectly. So I guess, that this might be a bug.
I’ve tested creating both OpenVPN server and client instances on the 7.11 firmware without encountering the issue you described. The “Maximum number of OpenVPN server instances has been reached” message indicates that no additional server instances can be created, which typically shouldn’t affect the client configuration.
Could you please check if there are any overlapping parameters between the server and client configurations?
Additionally, could you provide your OpenVPN client’s logs with hidden public IPs and other sensitive data?
Best Regards,
I have deleted all OpenVPN connections and re-setup them again. Now everything seems to be working fine again. The “Maximum number of OpenVPN server instances has been reached.” message in the OpenVPN Client -Tab is appearing anyway, but this is maybe only a hint, as already one openVPN Server is already setup. Maybe this message belongs rather more to the openVPN Server - Tab than to the openVPN Client- Tab. But this is only a cosmetics issue withn the RUTX_R_00.07.11 firmware.