Modbus RUT956 - Reading single bit from 32-bit register


I am having some issues with Modbus TCP protocol. I am trying to read information from the device and generate SMS / Email messages as a response to alarm in the system. I am using Teltonika RUT956.

In my system I have BITMAP32 register and each of the bit means different alarm.

I have BITMAP32 like this :
Register 418-419 (32-bit register)
Bit 1 - Sensor alarm
Bit 2 - Pump 1 alarm
Bit 3 - Pump 2 alarm
Bit 4 - Leakage

Bit 31 - Low system pressure
Bit 32 - High system pressure

I want to read Bit1, Bit4, Bit31, Bit32 separately and send alarm messages. How can I achieve it?