Both interfaces are activated and set up for failover.
In Network / Failover / MultiWAN, both failover interfaces are configured with track IP addresses that are being monitored to allow switchover if necessary. The failover mode is set correctly, with priority given to the mobile interface (mob1s1a1) followed by the WiFi interface (wifi1).
However, despite this setup, the interfaces show as “Unknown” in the management interface and the failover does not seem to be functioning properly.
I have tested the failover functionality on the RUT240 with firmware version RUT2_R_00.07.06.16, and I can confirm that failover works properly. When the primary WAN source, in your case the mobile interface (mob1s1a1), is up, the wireless WAN interface (wifi1) remains in “Standby” status. If the mobile WAN goes down, the failover successfully switches to the backup (wifi1).
It’s possible that there were some configurations previously made that may be causing the current issue, as there are a few inaccurate parameters in your Failover Policy configuration field.
In your case, I would recommend the following steps:
Upgrade the router’s firmware to the latest version, RUT2_R_00.07.06.16, without using the “Keep Settings” option.
Reconfigure the Failover from scratch for mob1s1a1 and wifi1, either using the default settings or setting your preferred “Track IP” addresses.