IP address not working -Dynamic DNS

I have configured it according to this article. An IP address is also set at no-ip.com. However, this IP address does not correspond to that of the 5G modem… Where does the RUTX50 router get this IP address from? It is an external IP:


I´ve configured the device with RMS (license will expire tomorrow) … Is that the problem?


Thank you for reaching out.

Could you check if the public IP is displayed on the Network → WAN page for the mob1s1a1 interface? Additionally, ensure that the mob1s1a1 interface is set to the highest priority by dragging it to the top of the list on the same page and clicking Save & Apply.

Also, when you visit whatsmyip.com, do you see the external public IP address there?

Kind regards,

Sorry to say… but this ip address it is a CG-NAT address…
100.64.x.x to 100.127.x.x and this is not a public ip address.
It is a internal ip network address used by some operators around world.
Google it: " Carrier-Grade Network Address Translation (CGNAT) is a network address translation (NAT) method that allows multiple users to share a single public IPv4 address. CGNAT is used by internet service providers (ISPs) to extend the life of IPv4 addresses, which are limited in number. "

Using RMS I was able to remote access a device, where the SIM CARD/WAN a CGNAT network address.

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