Incorrect Credit Notice

We recently activated the Credit Notice notification and see it being triggered incorrectly.
The same can also be observed on the company details/information page.

It seems it triggers as soon as the amount of credits goes bellow the count of devices but then picks the first date a device service would expire as last coverage date even though there would be credits left after that activation.

For our setup this is really irritating and counter productive, as it shows tomorrow (30.07) as last coverage date, while we will have credits until roughly end of august.

Hi stabl-gjn,
I’ve asked this question in the old forum and I
still do not have an answer. Thus joining you.

Time lapse Admin


I will contact our developers regarding this issue and will let you know as soon as I have an update.

Best Regards,

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Hello Marija,
thank you very mauch for your quick response.
Looking forward to a solution.
Timelapse Admin

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