Identify Physial port from Specific client Mac address

Dear All
We have ~200 RUTX11 on trucks operate in our private PMN.
Each truck have a can-bus controllers connected to 1 of the 4 ethernet ports on RUTX1!.
We need to be able with a script to donw/up the physical port that the controller is connected.
Please clarify if its possible to identify the physical-port the controller is connected by queering MAC-ADDRESS of the controller(not the eth0 or br-lan bridge but the physical port).

Hi stsagalas,

Welcome back to Teltonika Networks Community!

If your goal is to enable/disable a port using a script, can you try this following commands?

Disabling a LAN1

uci set network._lan2.enabled='0'

This commands should disable the said port. If you want to re-enable it, just change the value from 0 to 1.

Let me know if this helps.


Dear Janmiguel
Thanks for your response.
We can also accomplish the same with “swconfig dev switch0 port 3 set disable 0”
My question is mostly for finding the physical interface that maps to a client MAC address so we can disable/enable the correct interface.
Assuming that we know the client Mac address, is there a way to find the physical interface (LAN1-LAN4) that the client is connected?

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