The thing is that I used the +ADD button in the REMAINING COMPANY DATA tab and added 500 credits to this company but I cannot see is applied (I cannot connect to my devices as before of adding the credits). I have also realised that the credits were subtracted from the account credits (I had 1900 and now 1400).
My question is, is there any cooldown time before the credits are applied to the company? Did I do anything wrong?
From the provided screenshot, I see that there is 0 credit remaining, but you mentioned that you now have 1400. Could you specify if you transferred these credits from a different account? If so, could you please provide the detailed steps of how you did it from the beggining? This will help me better understand the issue.
What I meant is that I have this First level company with, as you can see, 1465 credits and I transferred 500 credits to the second level company I mentioned above.
From the Resource History screenshot of the second company, I can see that these 500 credits were never added to the second company, as it shows no data. Additionally, looking at the Data History for the first company, we can see that today 500 credits were used to add data: