[gsmctl_read_sms:74] error: ERROR: Not found

good day,
Just got a RUT 260 and it seems to work very well.
I tried to look at the sms function and I can see them in the GUI but using the CLI results in a [gsmctl_read_sms:74] error: ERROR: Not found

gsmctl --info returns nothing

gsmctl -y

Failed to get request. ERR: Not found ERROR: Couldn’t retrieve data

If I log on as root I get full access and can see everything

Have I missed a config option?

Good day,

Thank you for your Query.

The root user is intended to run scripts such as gsmclt function. you will need to be a root user to perform gsmclt functions.
Any account created on the WebUI will either be under admin or user group and both groups cannot provide permissions to run gsmctl function.

Do you perhaps have a specific reasons to run the script under a non-root user account?

Thank you

presently we have a Globesurfer III as an SMS client. there is a user called gs which calls the underlying programs to extract the sms message before sending it to a Server. Its then picked up with all the other messages sent in to a radio station.

So. I was hoping to replace the aging Globesurfer with the 260.

I found that the gsmutil is root only so I was going to create a small setuid wrapper around the gsmutil app.

It would be good not to have a root user allowed to call the sms get program.


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