FMC650 only send data to Server #1

We use FMC650, We use 2 servers:

Server #1 to server-1
Server #2 to server-2 (Duplicate Mode)

My understanding with the Duplicate mode is FMC650 will send all the data to both servers at the same time, please CMIIW, but why only the Server #1 can receive data from the device?
I have tried to switch the server-2 as the Server #1 and it works as expected.


Good day, We would like to analyze your issue.

Kindly provide the following.

  1. IMEI
  2. Configuration file
  3. Dumps and log files.

Please get in touch with your sales manager. If you don’t have any contact with our Sales managers, please contact them on our official website and click on the “Contact Us” button. When you will click, please fill out the form and submit it.

Best Regards
Maynard C

The IMEI is: 863719064401129
I want to upload the cfg and dump file but unfortunatelly I was rejected because I’m a new user (the message shown like that)

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