FMC003 - GPS invalid when satellites are present

I am having a number of issues with some FMC003 trackers, I have tried and have got the same issues with 4 different units. We get GPS sometime but its seems very intermittent, with most correct/valid results when the vehicle is stationary. Also when I plug the computer in, it sometimes shows there are GPS satellites visible but its not selecting them as shown below.

Also all units I am testing in a vehicle are on the dashboard with clear visibility of the sky as I am using ODB extension cables. I have other Teltonika trackers like the FMB920 which work without issue, so I dont think its a cloud problem and I have check the cloud logs and we arent being sent messages when there is no valid GPS signal.

I am using the latest firmware 03.29.00.Rev.358, but I am seeing similar results on the older firmware as well.

I am struggling to understand the problem, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Good day, please try to disable the sleep mode and make the ignition ON upon testing, please also change the send period 30 on moving mode.

Please also try to change the config to after position fix or to after time-sync.

In any case, if you still experience the issue please contact your sales and create an HD ticket.

Best Regards
Maynard C

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