FMB120 unexpected close soc detected!

I have many computers that started to stop receiving the server’s response to delete messages, so they only send 5 messages and stop sending, and those 5 messages that arrive are repeated with the same information because they do not receive the data deletion from the server, the server’s response time increased and in the logs I began to notice that the socket is closed.

Where can I send my logs so that you can help me?

[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK]	attempting to send data by socked id: 1, data len: 174
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK]	[SEND.DATA.0961] Waiting for socket send result, waiting: 10 sec
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK]	data send to socket: 1, successfull! evt sending: enabled, VR socket: 0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1]	records packed: 2, waiting 60 sec for answer
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1]	link tmo reset for server: 0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1]	link tmo reset for server: 0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[OVERSPD]	Scenario disabled!
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TRIP]	Periodic info: State -> Stop. Spd:0km/h, Mov:YES, Ign:ON
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[SLEEP]	Sleep:0, not allowed! Reason:Disabled by CFG
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[LiPo]	cant en charger; Vext: 1, Vbat: 0, first charger: 0, addon: 1, dsleep: 1, battery prot not active
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[LiPo]	BatState: 1 FSMState: ACTIVE ChargerIC: OFF ExtV: 14889 BatV: 3955 BatI: 0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[WD.FUNC]	WARNING @ 214:[1] counter:1 Cnt:27 Limit:10800
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[WD.FUNC]	WARNING @ 214:[2] counter:1 Cnt:27 Limit:10800
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[WD.FUNC]	WARNING @ 205:[1] counter:2 Cnt:1691 Limit:10800
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK]	[IND] unexpected close soc detected!
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK]	WARNING @ 1452:detected socket close! socket id: 1 res:1 data:0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1]	Caller: 1330, queueing recsend1 task job type: 2/close link
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK]	VR socket 0 closed! Real:1
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS]	M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK]	[IND] unexpected deactivation of pdp detected!
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK]	pdp deactivation detected! account id: 52, cbm result: -7 / bearer fail, error cause: 3108
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK]	Flags Cleared, Caller:[989]
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS]	M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS]	M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:1
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS]	M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:2
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS]	M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:3
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS]	M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:4
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS]	M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:5
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1]	Caller: 1007, queueing recsend1 task job type: 2/close link
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1]	WARNING @ 1088:Link broken detected while waiting for records answer, rec sending canceled
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1]	[CHANGE.STATE.1089] Server: 0, send records => finish
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1]	finish


Based on the log you’ve provided, it seems that the system is encountering network related issues,

As below errors are related to the network

[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] [IND] unexpected close soc detected!

[[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] pdp deactivation detected! account id: 52, cbm result: -7 / bearer fail, error cause: 3108
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] Flags Cleared, Caller:[989]
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS] M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:0

[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1] Caller: 1007, queueing recsend1 task job type: 2/close link
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1] WARNING @ 1088:Link broken detected while waiting for records answer, rec sending canceled

2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] [IND] unexpected deactivation of pdp detected!

[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1] Caller: 1330, queueing recsend1 task job type: 2/close link
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] VR socket 0 closed! Real:1

The server is queuing records due to socket closure, which might caused by network issues that are disrupting the connection.
Please check with your network service provider as if there are any issues on the network side.

Meanwhile we need to review the data log files for more precise investigation.

You can send logs to the Teltonika Helpdesk , If you don’t have account and contacts with our Sale managers, please contact with them on our official website and click on “Contact Us” button. When you will click, please fill the form and submit it.


Thank you, I have already contacted an advisor, I hope it can be resolved.

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