I have many computers that started to stop receiving the server’s response to delete messages, so they only send 5 messages and stop sending, and those 5 messages that arrive are repeated with the same information because they do not receive the data deletion from the server, the server’s response time increased and in the logs I began to notice that the socket is closed.
Where can I send my logs so that you can help me?
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] attempting to send data by socked id: 1, data len: 174
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] [SEND.DATA.0961] Waiting for socket send result, waiting: 10 sec
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] data send to socket: 1, successfull! evt sending: enabled, VR socket: 0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1] records packed: 2, waiting 60 sec for answer
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1] link tmo reset for server: 0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1] link tmo reset for server: 0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[OVERSPD] Scenario disabled!
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TRIP] Periodic info: State -> Stop. Spd:0km/h, Mov:YES, Ign:ON
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[SLEEP] Sleep:0, not allowed! Reason:Disabled by CFG
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[LiPo] cant en charger; Vext: 1, Vbat: 0, first charger: 0, addon: 1, dsleep: 1, battery prot not active
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[LiPo] BatState: 1 FSMState: ACTIVE ChargerIC: OFF ExtV: 14889 BatV: 3955 BatI: 0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[WD.FUNC] WARNING @ 214:[1] counter:1 Cnt:27 Limit:10800
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[WD.FUNC] WARNING @ 214:[2] counter:1 Cnt:27 Limit:10800
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[WD.FUNC] WARNING @ 205:[1] counter:2 Cnt:1691 Limit:10800
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] [IND] unexpected close soc detected!
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] WARNING @ 1452:detected socket close! socket id: 1 res:1 data:0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1] Caller: 1330, queueing recsend1 task job type: 2/close link
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] VR socket 0 closed! Real:1
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS] M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] [IND] unexpected deactivation of pdp detected!
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] pdp deactivation detected! account id: 52, cbm result: -7 / bearer fail, error cause: 3108
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[NETWORK] Flags Cleared, Caller:[989]
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS] M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:0
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS] M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:1
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS] M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:2
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS] M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:3
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS] M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:4
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[TLS] M2M_NET_TLS_Deinit:5
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1] Caller: 1007, queueing recsend1 task job type: 2/close link
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1] WARNING @ 1088:Link broken detected while waiting for records answer, rec sending canceled
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1] [CHANGE.STATE.1089] Server: 0, send records => finish
[2024.07.29 17:54:07]-[REC.SEND.1] finish