Firmware Update - RUT955


I am facing an issue with a router RUT955 on which is running the firmware version: RUT9_R_00.07.04.5. If I check the availability of a newer firmware version, the WebUI says me that the firmware version RUT9_R_00.07.06.16 is available. However, when I try to update the device, it starts updating correctly, but, when I access again the WebUI of the device, it shows again the same old version of the firmware. I tried to update the device also from local update file (downloaded from the official Teltonika web site), but the result is the same.

I am wondering if my device can be updated to a more recent version or, maybe, my device doesn’t support any newer firmware version.

Best regards,
Federico Caroli


Thank you for reaching out.

That does seem unusual. I’ve tested the update on a RUT955 and successfully upgraded from 07.04.5 to 07.06.16 without any issues.

Could you try updating the firmware via the Bootloader menu instead? You can access it by following the instructions in this guide: Bootloader menu.

If the issue persists, feel free to reach out for further assistance.

Best regards,