Faulty firmware RUT241


We had big issues connecting to the internet in the UK with our RUT241 modems after upgrading firmware from to In the end we got it working again by downgrading to

We tried a number of different SIM cards which all failed to achieve a steady Internet connection. Signal was reported as healthy. We tried all the APN variations.

Kept getting “Mobile network rejection was recently detected” notifications

This were some of the “State” message lines appearing after each other on the Internal Modem panel Status Overview page:

Registered, home; vodafone UK; 2G (GSM)
N/A; vodafone UK; 2G (GSM)
Searching; vodafone UK; 4G (LTE)
Searching; N/A; 4G (LTE)
Registered, home; vodafone UK; 2G (GSM)
N/A; N/A; 2G (GSM)
Limited service; N/A; 2G (GSM)
N/A; N/A; No service
Registered, home; vodafone UK; 2G (GSM)

Is this a known issue?

Many thanks


We would like to review a troubleshoot file. I have sent you a form to fill out, and once completed, I will contact you privately. Please use ticket ID “9207” for reference.

Best regards,

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