Failed to connect to ubus RUT951

Hello team,
no longer having remote access to my dashboard and I don’t know why, I decided to restore my last backup by command line. It should be noted that everything works in remote ssh.
the following command returns me an error “Failed to connect to ubus”

root@RUT951:~# sysupgrade -r /tmp/backup-RUT951-2024-11-08.tar.gz
Fri Nov 22 09:31:27 GMT 2024 upgrade: Restoring config files…
Failed to connect to ubus

Please help me to fix it


Thank you for reaching out.

The error “Failed to connect to ubus” can sometimes indicate a temporary system issue. Could you confirm if you have already tried the following:

  1. Rebooting the Device with the following command: reboot

  2. Factory Resetting the Device.

Best regards,

Rebooting solution did not solve the problem, i make factory resetting of device.

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