We are reading several different models of solar inverters via modbus (TCP and RTU) using TRB 255’s and the mqtt modbus gateway function.
Currently we send a maximum of 7 reading requests from the broker to the TRB and back.
We have noticed that not all the readings are successful; sometimes out of 7 readings one or more
fail, this on different brand inverters and on both TCP and RTU…
Lowering the speed which we send the requests lowers the number of errors.
Could be an issue with the way the TRB 255 handles the requests? If so can you suggest a way to overcome this issue?
Edit: sometimes the readings just stop and we constanty get errors on all the requests (it seems the TRB can’t communicate with the slave anymore); but if we try a manual reading directly from the TRB web interface all starts working again.
Thanks in advance.