Create new firewall zone


I’m doing a package for

The netbird installation works, but now I’m trying to make it integrate with Teltonika’s firewall, and as far as I understand I need to create a zone.

I’m trying to understand what is happening in the zerotier package but it’s hard to follow, it includes things from /lib/ and there’s a lot to unpack.

Can you point to how create a “netbird” zone that can be used in the firewall/NAT/etc?

Oh, given netbird is based on wireguard maybe I could simply reuse parts of the wireguard package, will try.

Hum, I cannot find a wireguard package to download, but I found this WireGuard Configuration Example - Teltonika Networks Wiki

Can you give me access to the wireguard package?

Try doing a search on here for Netbird, as there have been posts.

Thanks… But there seem to be 3 netbird posts: two by me (including this one), and the 3rd one does not seem to contain useful information :slight_smile:

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