Hello Teletonika community
I’ve had 2 Rut241 routers for three months, which have been transferring the data very well for more than a month, but since yesterday the VPN has been online and I can see with OpenVPN that the data is being transferred, but I can’t connect to the first device. I don’t know what suddenly happened? can be Teltonika website temporarily unavailable?
Just to clarify, you are using the RMS VPN hub, correct? If so, are you able to reach your RUT241 via its VPN IP?
Best regards,
That is correct, I use RMS VPN hub.
The connection with Open VPN is slow and takes a long time.
And also RUT241 Via VPN is unreachebale!
Please check if you still have a valid data pack, as this is required by RMS to use the VPN hub.
Additionally, if your router is not running the latest firmware, please upgrade it (you can download it here: RUT241 Firmware Downloads).
Let me know if you need any further assistance!
Best regards,
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