Alerts and Automations not working any more

Hi to all,

The topic was also mentioned by @amadgwick under
RMS Global Device Trigger Limit but has not received
any attention yet.

I ran into the daily limit with just one device and now all
devices have stopped sending emails.

The reason why the “guilty” router exceeded its daily limit
was unstable on-site power which made the router reboot
around 30 times in one day (whereas the limit is at 25 events).

I tried a few things, also newly added routers don’t work.

Interestingly the event counter on the routers counts up but
there’s nothing in the respective logs.

I don’t want to change all of our routers back to legacy device alerts.

Any help or suggestions?

Timelapse Admin


We have left a comment under the topic you provided. As I mentioned, we are sorry for any inconvenience this issue has caused. The developers have been informed, and I will let you know when we receive any feedback from them.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,

Hi @Marija,

Glad to hear, thank you!

Timelapse Admin

Following up here, alerts are working again after the recent RMS maintenance.

Hi @amadgwick,
yes, but…
But maybe this just reset the stuck counter(s) and as soon as we
run into the limit agin they again will get stuck? I’ve got a spare router
here and I’ll reboot it to run into the limit again. The we’ll see.

But for now I’ll let the team get some sleep after solving the problems
that occured during maintenance.

Timelapse Admin

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